Are you a series author, or do you just follow one-off ideas that aren’t related?

For various reasons – everything from capturing and keeping your reader’s attention, growing a devoted fan base, making it a lot easier for you to produce more fiction novels quickly, getting more speaking engagements, and more – you should consider writing a series.

In this episode, Lana McAra takes a deep dive into the superpowers you acquire as a fiction writer when you create a series of novels rather than a series of standalone stories.

The more you give your readers, fan base, and everyone who appreciates your genre of fiction writing something more to look forward to, the more the book of yours they’re holding right now becomes #Unputdownable.

Invitation From Lana McAra

With each character and each setting, hundreds of details must be compiled and organized – far too many for a writer, like you, to keep them cataloged in your brain.

Claim your free copy of The Novel Notebook and quickly discover how to organize your materials and take your novel to the next level:

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