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You Are Invited to Join Us Helping Fiction Writers Create #Unputdownable Novels!

Apply to be our next guest on The Fiction Writer’s Podcast.

Simply complete the form below!

I would like to have folks like you among the guests we interview and feature.

The Fiction Writer’s Podcast gives our listeners powerful, easy-to-implement tips, tricks, and ideas for fiction that is #Unputdownable.

Our listeners are current and aspiring fiction novelists in genres including fantasy and romance, mysteries, horror, movie genres, fan-fiction, and much more.

Together, we’re going to energize our listeners and give them new perspectives, new resources, new tidbits – something that sparks their creativity in ways they could not see for themselves, up until now.

Lana McAra
Host, The Fiction Writer’s Podcast

The Next Step Is To Discover A Little Bit More About You

Simply fill out the brief form below and help us decide that you will be in our amazing lineup.

Once you complete the form, we will review it and respond to you shortly.

(Note: all fields are required)

By submitting this information, you agree, if you are selected as a featured guest expert, that we can use the recording(s) for our podcast(s), website(s), product(s), book(s), etc. without any compensation owed to you, as long as we mention your website (that you listed above) when we repurpose the interview so people can find you. You, in turn, can do the exact same thing as long as your reader/listener/viewer hears from you that it came from your appearance on "The Fiction Writer's Podcast with Lana McAra". We'll make an MP3 of the interview available to you. Sound good?

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