Writing is hard – anybody who thinks it’s easy just hasn’t done it.

Getting your butt in the seat and your hands on the keyboard.

Putting your mind into your project and catching up to where you left off last time.

Dealing with little details like “What color were his eyes again?”, “What year did people start using this particular slang?”, and “Is this fact right for this time period or not?”

In this episode, Lana McAra shares her years of experience as a fiction writer and how she’s overcome the struggles fiction novel writers deal with that had one telling her, “all you have to do is cut your wrist, then bleed over the keyboard!”

Rest assured, there’s a better way to go about it, and when you embrace what Lana shares with you today, you’ll find so much more joy in writing that leads to an #Unputdownable final product.

Invitation From Lana McAra

With each character and each setting, hundreds of details must be compiled and organized – far too many for a writer, like you, to keep them cataloged in your brain.

Claim your free copy of The Novel Notebook and quickly discover how to organize your materials and take your novel to the next level:


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