We all have them: those moments in our lives when we know for sure our life will never be the same.

These are known as “before and after” moments.

They can be good, like winning a prestigious award; or they can be bad, like a death in the family, a health crisis, or some other setback.

Before and after moments serve as landmarks, the bookmarks on our timeline that change our life’s direction.

In this episode, Lana McAra shares how you can use these moments to seed ideas for your fiction writing that make your storyline #Unputdownable.

Invitation From Lana McAra

With each character and each setting, hundreds of details must be compiled and organized – far too many for a writer, like you, to keep them cataloged in your brain.

Claim your free copy of The Novel Notebook and quickly discover how to organize your materials and take your novel to the next level:


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