What does it take to write a good mystery?

Writing Mysteries by Writer’s Digest Books and Writers Digest put out a lot of good material.

As Editor, Sue Grafton put together this compilation book featuring over three dozen different experts on the various topics of mystery writing.

It is a great resource on good writing – like plot lines and character development. It also contains special guidelines for creating clues, dropping red herrings, and writing medical, legal, historical, true crime, and young adult mysteries.

In this episode, Lana McAra reviews this compilation to present you a new point of view that can enhance your skills and superpowers as a fiction novel writer.

By highlighting and using key concepts, you may discover new tips, tools, tactics, and strategies you can deploy to make your fiction writing #Unputdownable.

Invitation From Lana McAra

With each character and each setting, hundreds of details must be compiled and organized – far too many for a writer, like you, to keep them cataloged in your brain.

Claim your free copy of The Novel Notebook and quickly discover how to organize your materials and take your novel to the next level:


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