What about those book fairs… are they worth it?

Should you spend the money and invest the time?

Go to the effort of putting together a table and paying for the table, and then going in the morning, sitting there all day, and packing up at night and coming home?

In the end, do you get the return on investment?

In this episode, Lana McAra reveals the many ways in which the answer to this question – whether you should attend book fairs – depends on what you’re looking to achieve.

When you attend book fairs for the right reasons, with a sound strategy and a palpable plan, you could discover many things that make your fiction novel writing #Unputdownable.

Invitation From Lana McAra

Do you dream of writing a novel?

When you feel the urgency to write a novel, you aren’t making it up – and when that urgency won’t let go, there’s a reason.

Turn your readers into raving fans. Reveal the power of your voice and your story.

Writing is an act of courage, and you have what it takes.

“How to Write a Novel That Sells” by Lana McAra will take you across the finish line – claim your copy and take that powerful next step now:


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