Have you ever wanted to find a publisher that would actually help you with marketing?

Are you looking for that person right now?

Lana McAra has heard it time and time again from fiction writers who take the “How to Write a Novel That Sells” program and want a publisher that will help them market their book.

She hears the desperation in the voice because marketing marketing is actually more difficult than the writing part.

In this episode, you will discover different approaches to marketing based on the type of publishing method that you choose – traditional, self-publishing, or hybrid – and which one Lana recommends to help you get your #Unputdownable fiction novel into the hands of your eager readers.

Invitation From Lana McAra

Do you dream of writing a best-selling fiction novel?

With the right tools, you could get there sooner than you think.

Register for our next How to Write a Novel That Sells course and unlock the secrets to writing compelling fiction taught by international best-selling author Lana McAra:


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