The process of memoir writing has the power to break barriers for you to be able to write fiction.

She has powerful insights about the work of memoir and how digging into your personal stories helps tap your creativity for imagining fictional ones.

In this episode, Nancy Chadwick, author of several books including her debut novel The Wisdom of the Willow, joins Lana McAra for a discussion about how this work of fiction writing opened the floodgates.

Writing is an inside job, and when you harness the power of memoir to drive your fiction novel creation, you create #Unputdownable works your audience can’t get enough of.

Tune in and hear Nancy Chadwick’s thoughts on:

  • Why Nancy started out as a memoir writer, writing personal essays, then made the switch to fiction
  • Why place and home are such important concepts in storytelling
  • What the personal essay and our natural world have in common
  • Her favorite genre to write – nonfiction or fiction? And why?
  • Why she thinks anyone can gain by trying their hand at memoir writing
  • And much, much more!

Invitation From Our Guest

Visit Nancy Chadwick’s website to see her range of published works, plus options to subscribe and get updates when you want to see more from her:

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