As fiction writers and fiction novelists, we all need help, and there’s always someone who’s further along in the journey than we are.

So many authors ask questions like:

How do I sell more books?

How do I become successful?

How do I get on a bestseller list or an award winning list?

What do I do to promote the book, since I don’t have a newsletter or a mailing list?

What do I write about?

Then they say, “I’m just a fiction author” – which is an awful statement!

In this episode, Lana McAra draws you a blueprint showing you how to properly research and identify the best fiction writers to follow whose example and work will guide you down your own unique path, and how to get the most from your efforts.

When you study the blueprint and understand the models that have created countless #Unputdownable fiction novels in your genre, yours will be a page-turner, too.

Invitation From Lana McAra

Do you dream of writing a best-selling fiction novel?

With the right tools, you could get there sooner than you think.

Register for our next How to Write a Novel That Sells course and unlock the secrets to writing compelling fiction taught by international best-selling author Lana McAra:

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