The term “fast publishing” has been around for a while, but proving that even industry leaders and experts always have the opportunity to discover something new, this is a recent discovery for Lana.

What does this term mean?

Is it like fast food, where you go through a drive thru and they hand it to you in a bag within 90 seconds, which is the industry standard?

Not exactly.

Fast publishing is when you have a series and you write all the whole series, and then you release one book every three months.

In this fast but revealing episode, Lana McAra serves up the goods on how fast publishing gets your fiction writing established faster so you’re recognized as an author sooner.

Keep listening until the end as Lana will reveal the seemingly common-sense, but rarely-discussed, reason this makes your fiction writing #Unputdownable.

Invitation From Lana McAra

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