Humor is a great medium to convey a story.

But it can also be a dangerous crutch for a bad novel.

In this episode, George Allen Miller, author of Alice Pemberton’s Bureau of Scientific Inquiry, joins internationally-acclaimed bestselling fiction novelist Lana McAra to discuss the pitfalls of humor in genre fiction, how it can be great, and what to watch out for so it’s not terrible.

When you entertain your reader’s humor and tickle your funny bone, you make an #Unputdownable story even more interesting.

Tune in and hear George Allen Miller’s thoughts on:

  • What fiction writers influenced him to join their ranks
  • When George began fiction writing and what spurred him to do so
  • The difference between a “pantser” and a “plotter” and how to incorporate this into humorous fiction writing
  • Why George says he’s not a writer but rather an author – and why they’re not the same thing
  • And much, much more!

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