Fiction writing isn’t easy, so why don’t we put ourselves through it? We struggle to write sentences, we backspace on the screen, we cross out written words in our notebooks – and we try again.

And the next day we do it again. What is the driver?

In this episode, Lana McAra takes you on a deep dive into the 3 Cs that answer the question, “why write?” These are catharsis, contribution, and commercial, and the key is to combine the energies and power of each in a way that works best for you.

When you do this, the 3 Cs move you forward to create a fiction novel your readers will find #Unputdownable.

Invitation From Lana McAra

With each character and each setting, hundreds of details must be compiled and organized – far too many for a writer, like you, to keep them cataloged in your brain.

Claim your free copy of The Novel Notebook and quickly discover how to organize your materials and take your novel to the next level:

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